Google ads
Display ads
When it comes to online advertising, Google is the 800-pound gorilla. With a market share of over 40%, Google dwarfs its competitors. And its advertising products, Google Ads, AdWords, and AdSense, are the most popular in the industry.

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Google Ads is the company’s flagship advertising product. It’s a self-service platform that lets businesses create and run ads on Google and millions of other websites across the web.
AdWords is the advertising product that powers Google Ads. It’s a pay-per-click advertising platform that lets businesses target their ads to people who are most likely to be interested in what they have to offer.
AdSense is a program that lets website owners earn money by displaying ads on their websites. AdSense ads are targeted to the content of the website, so website owners can earn money by displaying ads for products and services that their visitors might be interested in.
Display ads are the type of ad that you typically see on the side of a web page. They’re different from text ads, which are the type of ad that you typically see at the top of a web page. Display ads are often graphical, and they can be animated or interactive.